request : WAPI handler object.

This object allows the control of WAPI through a single entry point. The object supports only the POST method and does not support URI arguments.

Single object body requests

The following fields are supported for single object body requests:

Field Description
data Dictionary. Data that is dependent on the method and is sent in the body of a normal WAPI request.
args Dictionary. Arguments for object body requests. These arguments are appended to the URI in a normal WAPI request, such as _max_results, _return_fields, etc.
method String. Method of the operation (see below for more information).
object String. The object used for the operation. For a normal WAPI, this can either be an object type such as ‘network’ for a GET operation, or a WAPI object such as ‘network/dAs4...’ for a PUT operation.

Single object body requests can be used for any supported WAPI operations, including scheduling and approval. Scheduling and approval specific options should be added to the arguments field of the request.

Only HTTP methods (GET, PUT, DELETE and POST) are valid methods for the single object body requests.

For a single object body request example, see the sample code section in the manual.

Multiple object body requests

Multiple object body requests are composed of a list of single requests. Each single request supports the same fields as the single object body request (with some limitations) and the following fields:

Field Description
enable_substitution Boolean. Determines if the variables created in the stated request can be used for the current operation.
assign_state Dictionary. Fields of the result object in the current operation, which should be saved in the request state object for the next operation in the multiple object body request. This also supports saving the extensible attribute value and a specific array member. See below for more information.
discard Boolean. Result of the current operation will be skipped and will not be added to the returned result list.

Only the following arguments are supported for each individual request: ‘_function’, ‘_schema’, ‘_return_fields’, ‘_return_fields+’, ‘_return_as_object’, ‘_max_results’.

If the ‘assign_state’ field is set, ‘_return_as_object’ will be automatically added to the request arguments.

In addition to the standard HTTP methods, single request inside a multiple object body request can be set to these values:

Method Description
STATE:ASSIGN Copy fields in the data object to the state object.
STATE:DISPLAY Added the state object to the returned result list.

For a multiple object body request example, see the sample code section in the manual.

To save the extensible attribute value to the request state object, the ‘extattrs’ field must be specified in the ‘_return_fields’ argument. To select and save a specific extensible attribute, prefix the extensible attribute name with an asterisk (*). See an example in the manual.

Object Reference

This object does not support references.


The object does not support the following operations:

  • Delete
  • Read (retrieve)
  • Modify (update)
  • Function calls
  • Permissions
  • Global search (searches via the search object)
  • Scheduling
  • CSV export

The object cannot be managed on Cloud Platform members.

Table Of Contents

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recordnamepolicy : Record name policy object.

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restartservicestatus : Restart service status object.