network_discovery : Network discovery object.

This object can be used to control the network discovery process.

Object Reference

This object cannot be retrieved from the appliance, hence it does not support references.


The object does not support the following operations:

  • Create (insert)
  • Delete
  • Read (retrieve)
  • Modify (update)
  • Permissions
  • Global search (searches via the search object)
  • Scheduling
  • CSV export


The object does not support any fields.

Function Calls


Reset the discovery data on all discovered or converted

This function does not support multiple object matches when called as part of an atomic insertion operation.

Input fields

ip_address ( String. ) IP address to be cleared. This parameter is mandatory if scope is ‘IP_ADDRESS’.

network ( String. ) Network containing IP objects to be cleared. This parameter is mandatory if scope is ‘NETWORK’ or ‘IP_ADDRESS’.

network_view ( String. ) Network view name containing IP objects to be cleared. This parameter is optional (‘default’ network view is used by default).

scope ( String. Valid values are: “GLOBAL”, “TENANT”, “NETWORK”, “IP_ADDRESS”, “VDISCOVERY_TASK” ). This parameter is mandatory. Discovery data scope to clear.

tenant ( String. ) Tenant containing the IP objects to be cleared. This parameter is mandatory if scope is ‘TENANT’.

usage ( String. Valid values are: “UNMANAGED”, “MANAGED”, “ALL” ) Discovery data usage to clear. The value ‘ALL’ is allowed only for the ‘VDISCOVERY_TASK’ scope. The default value is “MANAGED”.

vdiscovery_task ( String. ) VDiscoveryTask containing the IP objects to be cleared. This parameter is mandatory if scope is ‘VDISCOVERY_TASK’.

Output fields
