hsm:allgroups : All Hardware Security Module groups object.

The All Hardware Security Module (HSM) groups object is used to retrieve all HSM groups configured on the appliance.

Object Reference

References to hsm:allgroups are object references.

The name part of the All HSM groups object reference has the following components:

  • ‘hsm’ string

Example: hsm:allgroups/ZGldHdvcmtfdmlldyQxMTk:hsm


The object does not support the following operations:

  • Create (insert)
  • Delete
  • Modify (update)
  • Read by object reference
  • Global search (searches via the search object)
  • Scheduling
  • CSV export

The object cannot be managed on Cloud Platform members.


These fields are actual members of the object; thus, they can be requested by using _return_fields, if the fields are readable.

The basic version of the object contains the field(s): groups.



The list of HSM groups configured on the appliance.


An array of the following objects: hsm:thaleslunagroup, hsm:entrustnshieldgroup.

This field supports nested return fields as described here.


The default value is The default is a list that contains all HSM groups configured on the appliance.


The field is not available for search.


The groups is part of the base object.

Fields List

Field Type Req R/O Base Search
groups obj N N Y N/A