Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist - DNS Sortlist Object.


Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist - DNS Sortlist Object.


A sortlist sorts the order of addresses in responses made to DNS queries.


 my $sort_list = Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist->new(
     source_ipv4addr => $ipv4addr | $ipv4_subnet/prefix                                                      #Either source_ipv4addr or source_ipv6addr is required
     source_ipv6addr => $ipv6addr | $ipv6_subnet/prefix                                                      #Either source_ipv4addr or source_ipv6addr is required
     match_list      => [ $ipv4addr | $ipv4_subnet/prefix | $ipv6addr |  $ipv6_subnet/prefix ...] | undef    #Optional / Default is undefined
     comment         => $string| undef,                    #Optional / Default is undefined


The following functions are available to apply to an Sortlist object.

Infoblox::Grid::DNS->sortlist( )

Use this function to specify a sortlist at the grid level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::DNS->sortlist() for parameters and return values.

 # Construct the object
 my $sortlist = Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist->new(
     match_list      => ["", ""],
     source_ipv4addr => ""
 # Configure sortlist on the grid DNS object
 my $response = $Grid_DNS->sortlist([$sortlist]);

Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->sortlist( )

Use this function to specify a sortlist at the grid member level. See Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->sortlist() for parameters and return values.

 # Construct the object
 my $sortlist = Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist->new(
     match_list      => ["", ""],
     source_ipv4addr => ""
 # Configure sortlist on a Grid Member DNS object
 my $response = $Grid_Member_DNS->sortlist([$sortlist]);


This section describes all the methods that you can use to configure and retrieve the attribute values of a sortlist object.

match_list( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the match list of a sortlist.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Array reference which contains IP addresses and/or networks.


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get match list.
 my $ref_matchlist = $sort_list->match_list();
 #Modify match list.
 $sort_list->match_list(["", "", "2001:db8:1234::/48", "2001:db8::1428:57ab"]);

source_ipv4addr( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the source IPv4 address of a sortlist object.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Address or network of querier which will be preferred by the resolver as the result of a query. To specify "ANY" querier, please use "".


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get ipv4addrs
 my $source_ipv4addr = $sort_list->source_ipv4addr();
 #Modify ipv4addrs

source_ipv6addr( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the source IPv6 address of a sortlist object.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Address or network of querier which will be preferred by the resolver as the result of a query.


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get ipv6addrs
 my $source_ipv6addr = $sort_list->source_ipv6addr();
 #Modify ipv6addrs

comment( )

Use this method to set or retrieve a descriptive comment of a sortlist object.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Enter a descriptive comment for the sortlist in string format with a maximum of 256 bytes.


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 # Get comment
 my $comment = $sort_list->comment();
 # Modify comment
 $sort_list->comment("test comment");


The following sample code demonstrates the different functions that can be applied to an object, such as add, modify. This sample also includes error handling for the operations.

#Preparation prior to a DNS sortlist object insertion

 #PROGRAM STARTS: Include all the modules that will be used
 use strict;
 use Infoblox;
 #Create a session to the Infoblox appliance
 my $session = Infoblox::Session->new(
            master   => "",
            username => "admin",
            password => "infoblox"
 unless ($session) {
    die("Construc session failed: ",
        Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
 print "Session created successfully\n";

#Create a Sortlist object

 my $sort1 = Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist->new(
     match_list      => ["", ""],
     source_ipv4addr => ""
 unless($sort1) {
      die("Construct sort list failed: ",
            Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
 print "First sort list object (IPv4) created successfully\n";

#Create another sortlist to demonstrate IPv6

 my $sort2 = Infoblox::DNS::Sortlist->new(
     match_list      => ["2001:db8:1234::/48", "2001:db8:345::/64", ""],
     source_ipv6addr => "2001:db8::1428:57ab"
 unless($sort2) {
      die("Construct sort list failed: ",
            Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
 print "Second sort list object (IPv6) created successfully\n";

#Get the Member DNS object to add sortlist object to it

 my @result_array = $session->get(
     object => "Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS",
     name   => $host_name
 unless (scalar(@result_array) == 0) {
     my $memberdns = $result_array[0];
     if ($memberdns) {
         #Apply changes to the Member object.
         $memberdns->sortlist([$sort1, $sort2])
             or die("modify member failed: ",
                    $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
         print "sort lists added to Member DNS object successfully\n";
         #Update member DNS object through the Infoblox session.
             or die("modify session failed: ",
                    $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
         print "Member DNS object with sortlists updated to Infoblox device successfully\n";
         #Modify existing sortlist objects
         #Modifying the value of the specified object.
         print "Modify first sortlist value\n";
         #Modifying the value of the specified object.
         $sort1->match_list(["", "", "", ""]);
         #Modifying the value of the specified object.
         print "Modify second sortlist value\n";
         #Apply changes to the member object.
         $memberdns->sortlist([$sort1, $sort2])
             or die("modify member failed: ",
                    Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
         print "sort list updated to Member DNS object successfully\n";
         #Update member DNS object through the Infoblox session.
             or die("modify session failed: ",
                 $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
                 print "Member DNS object with sortlist updated to Infoblox device successfully\n";
          } else {
              print "No member found with the specified name.";


Infoblox Inc.


Infoblox::Session,Infoblox::Session->get(), Infoblox::Session->modify(),Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->sortlist(), Infoblox::Grid::DNS->sortlist()


Copyright (c) 2017 Infoblox Inc.