Infoblox::DHCP::Option - DHCP Option object.


Infoblox::DHCP::Option - DHCP Option object.


An Option sets the value of a DHCP option that has been defined in an option space. DHCP options describe network configuration settings and various services available on the network. These options occur as variable-length fields at the end of DHCP messages.


 my $option = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
     value        => $num | $string |"true"|"false", #Required
     name         => $string,                        #Optional - One of name or num must be specified / Default is undefined
     num          => $num,                           #Optional - One of name or num must be specified / Default is undefined
     vendor_class => $string,                        #Optional / Default Option Space name is "DHCP"

Note that in a future NIOS version 'num' will become mandatory and 'name' will become optional.


The following functions can be applied to a DHCP Option object.

Infoblox::Grid::DHCP->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the grid level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::DHCP->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option1 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "lease-time",
               value => "50"
 # Configure a DHCP option for a grid
 my $response = $Grid_DHCP->options([$option1]);

Infoblox::Grid::Member::DHCP->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the grid member level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::Member::DHCP->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option2 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "domain-name",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP option for a grid member
 my $response = $Grid_Member_DHCP->options([$option2]);

Infoblox::DHCP::Network->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the network level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::Network->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option3 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "broadcast",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP option for a network
 my $response = $Network_DHCP->options([$option3]);

Infoblox::DHCP::NetworkTemplate->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the network template level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::NetworkTemplate->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option4 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "broadcast",
               value => "2"
 #Construct another DHCP Option object
 my $option5 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "routers",
               value => "1,2"
 # Configure a DHCP options for a network template
 my $response = $Network_Template_DHCP->options([$option4,$option5]);

Infoblox::DHCP::SharedNetwork->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the shared network level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::SharedNetwork->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option6 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "subnet-mask",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP option for a shared network
 my $response = $Shared_Network_DHCP->options([$option6]);

Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddr->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the fixed address level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddr->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option7 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "host-name",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP option for a fixed address
 my $response = $Fixed_Address_DHCP->options([$option7]);

Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddrTemplate->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the fixed address template level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddrTemplate->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option8 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "broadcast",
               value => "2"
 #Construct another DHCP Option object
 my $option9 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "routers",
               value => "1,2"
 # Configure a DHCP options for a fixed address template
 my $response = $Fixed_Address_Template_DHCP->options([$option8,$option9]);

Infoblox::DHCP::Range->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the DHCP range level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::Range->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option10 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "swap-server",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP option for a DHCP range
 my $response = $DHCP_Range->options([$option10]);

Infoblox::DHCP::RangeTemplate->options( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the range template level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::RangeTemplate->options() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option11 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "broadcast",
               value => "2"
 #Construct another DHCP Option object
 my $option12 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "routers",
               value => "1,2"
 # Configure a DHCP options for a range template
 my $response = $Range_Template_DHCP->options([$option11,$option12]);

Infoblox::DHCP::Filter::Option->option_list( )

Use this function to specify DHCP options at the filter level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::DHCP::Filter::Option->option_list() for parameters and return values.

 #Construct a DHCP Option object
 my $option13 = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
               name  => "pop-server",
               value => ""
 # Configure a DHCP Option for a filter
 my $response = $Filter_Option->option_list([$option13]);


This section describes all the methods that can be used to configure and retrieve the attribute values of a DHCP option.

name( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the name of the DHCP option.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Specify the name of the DHCP option in string format. Valid values are

  "subnet-mask",                            - DHCP Option   1               - ip-address
  "time-offset",                            - DHCP Option   2               - 32-bit signed integer
  "routers",                                - DHCP Option   3               - array of ip-address | array of offsets (for templates)
  "time-servers",                           - DHCP Option   4               - array of ip-address
  "ien116-name-servers",                    - DHCP Option   5               - array of ip-address
  "domain-name-servers",                    - DHCP Option   6               - array of ip-address
  "log-servers",                            - DHCP Option   7               - array of ip-address
  "cookie-servers",                         - DHCP Option   8               - array of ip-address
  "lpr-servers",                            - DHCP Option   9               - array of ip-address
  "impress-servers",                        - DHCP Option  10               - array of ip-address
  "resource-location-servers",              - DHCP Option  11               - array of ip-address
  "host-name",                              - DHCP Option  12               - string
  "boot-size",                              - DHCP Option  13               - 16-bit unsigned integer
  "merit-dump",                             - DHCP Option  14               - text
  "domain-name",                            - DHCP Option  15               - text
  "swap-server",                            - DHCP Option  16               - ip-address
  "root-path",                              - DHCP Option  17               - text
  "extensions-path",                        - DHCP Option  18               - text
  "ip-forwarding",                          - DHCP Option  19               - boolean
  "non-local-source-routing",               - DHCP Option  20               - boolean
  "policy-filter",                          - DHCP Option  21               - array of ip-address | ip-address
  "max-dgram-reassembly",                   - DHCP Option  22               - 16-bit unsigned integer
  "default-ip-ttl",                         - DHCP Option  23               - 8-bit unsigned integer
  "path-mtu-aging-timeout",                 - DHCP Option  24               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "path-mtu-plateau-table",                 - DHCP Option  25               - array of 16-bit unsigned integer
  "interface-mtu",                          - DHCP Option  26               - 16-bit unsigned integer
  "all-subnets-local",                      - DHCP Option  27               - boolean
  "broadcast",                              - DHCP Option  28               - ip-address | offset (for templates)
  "perform-mask-discovery",                 - DHCP Option  29               - boolean
  "mask-supplier",                          - DHCP Option  30               - boolean
  "router-discovery",                       - DHCP Option  31               - boolean
  "router-solicitation-address",            - DHCP Option  32               - ip-address
  "static-routes",                          - DHCP Option  33               - array of ip-address | ip-address
  "trailer-encapsulation",                  - DHCP Option  34               - boolean
  "arp-cache-timeout",                      - DHCP Option  35               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "ieee802-3-encapsulation",                - DHCP Option  36               - boolean
  "default-tcp-ttl",                        - DHCP Option  37               - 8-bit unsigned integer
  "tcp-keepalive-interval",                 - DHCP Option  38               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "tcp-keepalive-garbage",                  - DHCP Option  39               - boolean
  "nis-domain",                             - DHCP Option  40               - text
  "nis-servers",                            - DHCP Option  41               - array of ip-address
  "ntp-servers",                            - DHCP Option  42               - array of ip-address
  "vendor-encapsulated-options",            - DHCP Option  43               - string
  "netbios-name-servers",                   - DHCP Option  44               - array of ip-address
  "netbios-dd-server",                      - DHCP Option  45               - array of ip-address
  "netbios-node-type",                      - DHCP Option  46               - 8-bit unsigned integer(1,2,4,8)
  "netbios-scope",                          - DHCP Option  47               - text
  "font-servers",                           - DHCP Option  48               - array of ip-address
  "x-display-manager",                      - DHCP Option  49               - array of ip-address
  "dhcp-requested-address",                 - DHCP Option  50               - ip-address
  "lease-time",                             - DHCP Option  51               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-option-overload",                   - DHCP Option  52               - 8-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-message-type",                      - DHCP Option  53               - 8-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-server-identifier",                 - DHCP Option  54               - ip-address
  "dhcp-parameter-request-list",            - DHCP Option  55               - array of 8-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-message",                           - DHCP Option  56               - text
  "dhcp-max-message-size",                  - DHCP Option  57               - 16-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-renewal-time",                      - DHCP Option  58               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "dhcp-rebinding-time",                    - DHCP Option  59               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "vendor-class-identifier",                - DHCP Option  60               - string
  "dhcp-client-identifier",                 - DHCP Option  61               - string
  "nwip-domain",                            - DHCP Option  62               - string
  "nwip-suboptions",                        - DHCP Option  63               - string
  "nisplus-domain",                         - DHCP Option  64               - text
  "nisplus-servers",                        - DHCP Option  65               - array of ip-address
  "tftp-server-name",                       - DHCP Option  66               - text
  "bootfile-name",                          - DHCP Option  67               - text
  "mobile-ip-home-agent",                   - DHCP Option  68               - array of ip-address
  "smtp-server",                            - DHCP Option  69               - array of ip-address
  "pop-server",                             - DHCP Option  70               - array of ip-address
  "nntp-server",                            - DHCP Option  71               - array of ip-address
  "www-server",                             - DHCP Option  72               - array of ip-address
  "finger-server",                          - DHCP Option  73               - array of ip-address
  "irc-server",                             - DHCP Option  74               - array of ip-address
  "streettalk-server",                      - DHCP Option  75               - array of ip-address
  "streettalk-directory-assistance-server", - DHCP Option  76               - array of ip-address
  "user-class",                             - DHCP Option  77               - text
  "slp-directory-agent",                    - DHCP Option  78               - boolean | array of ip-address
  "slp-service-scope",                      - DHCP Option  79               - boolean | text
  "option-80",                              - DHCP Option  80               - custom defined
  "fqdn",                                   - DHCP Option  81               - string
  "relay-agent-information",                - DHCP Option  82               - string
  "option-83",                              - DHCP Option  83               - custom defined
  "option-84",                              - DHCP Option  84               - custom defined
  "nds-servers",                            - DHCP Option  85               - array of ip-address
  "nds-tree-name",                          - DHCP Option  86               - string
  "nds-context",                            - DHCP Option  87               - string
  "option-88",                              - DHCP Option  88               - custom defined
  "bcms-controller-address",                - DHCP Option  89               - array of ip-address
  "option-90",                              - DHCP Option  90               - custom defined
  "client-last-transaction-time",           - DHCP Option  91               - 32-bit unsigned integer
  "associated-ip",                          - DHCP Option  92               - array of ip-address
  "option-93",                              - DHCP Option  93               - custom defined
  "option-94",                              - DHCP Option  94               - custom defined
  "option-95",                              - DHCP Option  95               - custom defined
  "option-96",                              - DHCP Option  96               - custom defined
  "option-97",                              - DHCP Option  97               - custom defined
  "uap-servers",                            - DHCP Option  98               - text
  "option-99",                              - DHCP Option  99               - custom defined
  "option-100",                             - DHCP Option 100               - custom defined
  "option-101",                             - DHCP Option 101               - custom defined
  "option-102",                             - DHCP Option 102               - custom defined
  "option-103",                             - DHCP Option 103               - custom defined
  "option-104",                             - DHCP Option 104               - custom defined
  "option-105",                             - DHCP Option 105               - custom defined
  "option-106",                             - DHCP Option 106               - custom defined
  "option-107",                             - DHCP Option 107               - custom defined
  "option-108",                             - DHCP Option 108               - custom defined
  "option-109",                             - DHCP Option 109               - custom defined
  "option-110",                             - DHCP Option 110               - custom defined
  "option-111",                             - DHCP Option 111               - custom defined
  "netinfo-server-address",                 - DHCP Option 112               - array of ip-address
  "netinfo-server-tag",                     - DHCP Option 113               - text
  "default-url",                            - DHCP Option 114               - text
  "option-115",                             - DHCP Option 115               - custom defined
  "option-116",                             - DHCP Option 116               - custom defined
  "option-117",                             - DHCP Option 117               - custom defined
  "subnet-selection",                       - DHCP Option 118               - string
  "domain-search",                          - DHCP Option 119               - domain-list
  "option-120",                             - DHCP Option 120               - custom defined
  "option-121",                             - DHCP Option 121               - custom defined
  "option-122",                             - DHCP Option 122               - custom defined
  "option-123",                             - DHCP Option 123               - custom defined
  "vivco",                                  - DHCP Option 124               - string
  "vivso",                                  - DHCP Option 125               - string
  "option-126",                             - DHCP Option 126               - custom defined
  "option-127",                             - DHCP Option 127               - custom defined
  "option-128",                             - DHCP Option 128               - custom defined
  "option-129",                             - DHCP Option 129               - custom defined
  "option-130",                             - DHCP Option 130               - custom defined
  "option-131",                             - DHCP Option 131               - custom defined
  "option-132",                             - DHCP Option 132               - custom defined
  "option-133",                             - DHCP Option 133               - custom defined
  "option-134",                             - DHCP Option 134               - custom defined
  "option-135",                             - DHCP Option 135               - custom defined
  "option-136",                             - DHCP Option 136               - custom defined
  "option-137",                             - DHCP Option 137               - custom defined
  "option-138",                             - DHCP Option 138               - custom defined
  "option-139",                             - DHCP Option 139               - custom defined
  "option-140",                             - DHCP Option 140               - custom defined
  "option-141",                             - DHCP Option 141               - custom defined
  "option-142",                             - DHCP Option 142               - custom defined
  "option-143",                             - DHCP Option 143               - custom defined
  "option-144",                             - DHCP Option 144               - custom defined
  "option-145",                             - DHCP Option 145               - custom defined
  "option-146",                             - DHCP Option 146               - custom defined
  "option-147",                             - DHCP Option 147               - custom defined
  "option-148",                             - DHCP Option 148               - custom defined
  "option-149",                             - DHCP Option 149               - custom defined
  "option-150",                             - DHCP Option 150               - custom defined
  "option-151",                             - DHCP Option 151               - custom defined
  "option-152",                             - DHCP Option 152               - custom defined
  "option-153",                             - DHCP Option 153               - custom defined
  "option-154",                             - DHCP Option 154               - custom defined
  "option-155",                             - DHCP Option 155               - custom defined
  "option-156",                             - DHCP Option 156               - custom defined
  "option-157",                             - DHCP Option 157               - custom defined
  "option-158",                             - DHCP Option 158               - custom defined
  "option-159",                             - DHCP Option 159               - custom defined
  "option-160",                             - DHCP Option 160               - custom defined
  "option-161",                             - DHCP Option 161               - custom defined
  "option-162",                             - DHCP Option 162               - custom defined
  "option-163",                             - DHCP Option 163               - custom defined
  "option-164",                             - DHCP Option 164               - custom defined
  "option-165",                             - DHCP Option 165               - custom defined
  "option-166",                             - DHCP Option 166               - custom defined
  "option-167",                             - DHCP Option 167               - custom defined
  "option-168",                             - DHCP Option 168               - custom defined
  "option-169",                             - DHCP Option 169               - custom defined
  "option-170",                             - DHCP Option 170               - custom defined
  "option-171",                             - DHCP Option 171               - custom defined
  "option-172",                             - DHCP Option 172               - custom defined
  "option-173",                             - DHCP Option 173               - custom defined
  "option-174",                             - DHCP Option 174               - custom defined
  "option-175",                             - DHCP Option 175               - custom defined
  "option-176",                             - DHCP Option 176               - custom defined
  "option-177",                             - DHCP Option 177               - custom defined
  "option-178",                             - DHCP Option 178               - custom defined
  "option-179",                             - DHCP Option 179               - custom defined
  "option-180",                             - DHCP Option 180               - custom defined
  "option-181",                             - DHCP Option 181               - custom defined
  "option-182",                             - DHCP Option 182               - custom defined
  "option-183",                             - DHCP Option 183               - custom defined
  "option-184",                             - DHCP Option 184               - custom defined
  "option-185",                             - DHCP Option 185               - custom defined
  "option-186",                             - DHCP Option 186               - custom defined
  "option-187",                             - DHCP Option 187               - custom defined
  "option-188",                             - DHCP Option 188               - custom defined
  "option-189",                             - DHCP Option 189               - custom defined
  "option-190",                             - DHCP Option 190               - custom defined
  "option-191",                             - DHCP Option 191               - custom defined
  "option-192",                             - DHCP Option 192               - custom defined
  "option-193",                             - DHCP Option 193               - custom defined
  "option-194",                             - DHCP Option 194               - custom defined
  "option-195",                             - DHCP Option 195               - custom defined
  "option-196",                             - DHCP Option 196               - custom defined
  "option-197",                             - DHCP Option 197               - custom defined
  "option-198",                             - DHCP Option 198               - custom defined
  "option-199",                             - DHCP Option 199               - custom defined
  "option-200",                             - DHCP Option 200               - custom defined
  "option-201",                             - DHCP Option 201               - custom defined
  "option-202",                             - DHCP Option 202               - custom defined
  "option-203",                             - DHCP Option 203               - custom defined
  "option-204",                             - DHCP Option 204               - custom defined
  "option-205",                             - DHCP Option 205               - custom defined
  "option-206",                             - DHCP Option 206               - custom defined
  "option-207",                             - DHCP Option 207               - custom defined
  "option-208",                             - DHCP Option 208               - custom defined
  "option-209",                             - DHCP Option 209               - custom defined
  "option-210",                             - DHCP Option 210               - custom defined
  "option-211",                             - DHCP Option 211               - custom defined
  "option-212",                             - DHCP Option 212               - custom defined
  "option-213",                             - DHCP Option 213               - custom defined
  "option-214",                             - DHCP Option 214               - custom defined
  "option-215",                             - DHCP Option 215               - custom defined
  "option-216",                             - DHCP Option 216               - custom defined
  "option-217",                             - DHCP Option 217               - custom defined
  "option-218",                             - DHCP Option 218               - custom defined
  "option-219",                             - DHCP Option 219               - custom defined
  "option-220",                             - DHCP Option 220               - custom defined
  "option-221",                             - DHCP Option 221               - custom defined
  "option-222",                             - DHCP Option 222               - custom defined
  "option-223",                             - DHCP Option 223               - custom defined
  "option-224",                             - DHCP Option 224               - custom defined
  "option-225",                             - DHCP Option 225               - custom defined
  "option-226",                             - DHCP Option 226               - custom defined
  "option-227",                             - DHCP Option 227               - custom defined
  "option-228",                             - DHCP Option 228               - custom defined
  "option-229",                             - DHCP Option 229               - custom defined
  "option-230",                             - DHCP Option 230               - custom defined
  "option-231",                             - DHCP Option 231               - custom defined
  "option-232",                             - DHCP Option 232               - custom defined
  "option-233",                             - DHCP Option 233               - custom defined
  "option-234",                             - DHCP Option 234               - custom defined
  "option-235",                             - DHCP Option 235               - custom defined
  "option-236",                             - DHCP Option 236               - custom defined
  "option-237",                             - DHCP Option 237               - custom defined
  "option-238",                             - DHCP Option 238               - custom defined
  "option-239",                             - DHCP Option 239               - custom defined
  "option-240",                             - DHCP Option 240               - custom defined
  "option-241",                             - DHCP Option 241               - custom defined
  "option-242",                             - DHCP Option 242               - custom defined
  "option-243",                             - DHCP Option 243               - custom defined
  "option-244",                             - DHCP Option 244               - custom defined
  "option-245",                             - DHCP Option 245               - custom defined
  "option-246",                             - DHCP Option 246               - custom defined
  "option-247",                             - DHCP Option 247               - custom defined
  "option-248",                             - DHCP Option 248               - custom defined
  "option-249",                             - DHCP Option 249               - custom defined
  "option-250",                             - DHCP Option 250               - custom defined
  "option-251",                             - DHCP Option 251               - custom defined
  "option-252",                             - DHCP Option 252               - custom defined
  "option-253",                             - DHCP Option 253               - custom defined
  "option-254",                             - DHCP Option 254               - custom defined

If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get name
 my $name = $option->name();
 #Modify name

num( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the numeric value of the DHCP option.

Note that specifying "num" without "name" is supported only for predefined options and custom options with names that haven't been modified.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Specify the number of the DHCP option. It must be an integer ranging from 1 to 254.


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get num
 my $num = $option->num();
 #Modify num

value( )

Use this method to set or retrieve the custom value of the DHCP option.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Specify the data type of the DHCP option. Valid values are

  "boolean"                           - Specify "true" or "false" for boolean values.
  "ip-address"                        - Specify an IPv4 address. An IPv4 address is a 32-bit number in dotted decimal notation.
                                        It consists of four 8-bit groups of decimal digits separated
                                        by decimal points (example: "").
  "array of ip-address"               - Specify a list of IPv4 addresses, each separated by a comma.
                                        (example: ",,")
  "string"                            - Specify a value in ASCII text string or
                                        a list of hexadecimal characters (0-9, a-f, or A-F) without spaces and separated by colons.
  "text"                              - Specify a value in ASCII text string.
  "8-bit unsigned integer"            - Specify a numeric value between 0 and 255.
  "array of 8-bit unsigned integer"   - Specify a list of 8-bit unsigned integers, each separated by a comma.
  "16-bit unsigned integer"           - Specify a numeric value between 0 and 65535.
  "array of 16-bit unsigned integer"  - Specify a list of 16-bit unsigned integers, each separated by a comma.
  "32-bit unsigned integer"           - Specify a numeric value between 0 and 4294967295.
  "array of 32-bit unsigned integer"  - Specify a list of 32-bit unsigned integers, each separated by a comma.
  "8-bit signed integer"              - Specify a numeric value between -128 and 127.
  "array of 8-bit signed integer"     - Specify a list of 8-bit signed integers, each separated by a comma.
  "16-bit signed integer"             - Specify a numeric value between -32768 and 32767.
  "array of 16-bit signed integer"    - Specify a list of 16-bit signed integers, each separated by a comma.
  "32-bit signed integer"             - Specify a numeric value between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
  "array of 32-bit signed integer"    - Specify a list of 32-bit signed integers, each separated by a comma.
  "domain-list"                       - Specify a list of domain names, each double-quoted and separated by a comma.
                                        (example: '"","",""')

If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get value
 my $value = $option->value();
 #Modify value

vendor_class( )

Use this method to set an option space name as the vendor class value of a DHCP option or to retrieve an option space name.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Specify the defined option space name in string format. The default option space name is "DHCP".


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get vendor_class
 my $name = $option->vendor_class();
 #Modify vendor_class


The following sample code demonstrates the different functions that can be applied to a DHCP Option object such as add, modify, and remove. Also, this sample includes error handling for the operations.

#Preparation prior to a DHCP Option object insertion

 #PROGRAM STARTS: Include all the modules that will be used
 use strict;
 use Infoblox;
 #Create a session to the Infoblox appliance
 my $session = Infoblox::Session->new(
                master   => "", #appliance host ip
                username => "admin",       #appliance user login
                password => "infoblox"     #appliance password
 unless ($session) {
        die("Construct session failed: ",
             Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
 print "Session created successfully\n";

#Create a DHCP Option object

 my $dhcp_option = Infoblox::DHCP::Option->new(
     name         => "subnet-mask",
     num          => "1",
     value        => "",
     vendor_class => "DHCP"
 unless($dhcp_option) {
        die("Construct DHCP option object failed: ",
             Infoblox::status_code() . ":" . Infoblox::status_detail());
 print "DHCP option object created successfully\n";

#Get the Grid DHCP object and add a DHCP option to it

 #Get the Grid DHCP object
 my @retrieved_objs = $session->get(
     object => "Infoblox::Grid::DHCP",
     grid   => "Infoblox"
 my $object = $retrieved_objs[0];
 unless ($object) {
        die("Get Grid DHCP object failed: ",
             $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
 print "Get Grid DHCP object found at least 1 matching entry\n";
 #Apply the changes to the Grid DHCP object
 #Apply the changes
     or die("Modify Grid DHCP object failed: ",
             $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
 print "Grid DHCP object with DHCP option updated to Infoblox appliance successfully\n";

#Modify DHCP option

 #Modify an existing option object
 #Modifying the name of the DHCP option object.
 #Modifying the value of the DHCP option object.
 #Modifying the number of the DHCP option object.
 #Apply changes to the Grid DHCP object.
 #Update Grid DHCP object through the Infoblox session.
             or die("modify Grid DHCP object failed: ",
                 $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
        print "Grid DHCP object with modified DHCP option updated to Infoblox appliance successfully\n";

#Remove DHCP option

 #Apply changes to the Grid DHCP object.
 #Update Grid DHCP object through the Infoblox session.
             or die("modify Grid DHCP object failed: ",
                 $session->status_code() . ":" . $session->status_detail());
        print "Removed DHCP option from Grid DHCP object successfully\n";


Infoblox Inc.


Infoblox::Session, Infoblox::Session->get(), Infoblox::Session->modify(),Infoblox::Grid::DHCP, Infoblox::Grid::Member::DHCP, Infoblox::DHCP::Network, Infoblox::DHCP::NetworkTemplate, Infoblox::DHCP::SharedNetwork, Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddr, Infoblox::DHCP::FixedAddrTemplate, Infoblox::DHCP::Range, Infoblox::DHCP::RangeTemplate, Infoblox::DHCP::Filter::Option


Copyright (c) 2017 Infoblox Inc.