Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm - DNSSEC key algorithm object.


Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm - DNSSEC key algorithm object.


The DNSSEC key algorithm structure provides for configuring algorithms for Key-signing and Zone-signing keys. Multiple algorithms can be used at the same time per Grid or per zone.


 #Constructor for an DNSSEC key algorithm object
  my $algorithm = Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm->new(
     algorithm => "RSAMD5" | "DSA" | "RSASHA1" | "RSASHA256" | "RSASHA512" ,  #Optional / Default is undefined
     size      => $num,                                                       #Optional / Default is undefined


The following functions are available to be applied to an DNSSecKeyAlgorithm object.

Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms( )

Use this function to specify a DNSSEC key signing key algorithm at the grid level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms() for parameters and return values.

 #Create a DNSSEC key algorithm object.
 my $algorithm = Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm->new(
     algorithm => 'RSASHA256',
     size      => 512,
 #Configure DNSSEC key signing key algorithms on the Infoblox grid object
 my $response = $grid->dnssec_ksk_algorithms([$algorithm]);

Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms( )

Use this function to specify a DNSSEC zone signing key algorithm at the grid level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms() for parameters and return values.

 #Create a DNSSEC key algorithm object.
 my $algorithm = Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm->new(
     algorithm => 'RSASHA512',
     size      => 1024,
 #Configure DNSSEC zone signing key algorithms on the Infoblox grid object
 my $response = $grid->dnssec_zsk_algorithms([$algorithm]);

Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms( )

Use this function to specify a DNSSEC key signing key at the member level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms() for parameters and return values.

 #Create a DNSSEC key algorithm object.
 my $algorithm = Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm->new(
     algorithm => 'RSASHA512',
     size      => 1024,
 #Configure DNSSEC key signing key algorithms on the Infoblox member object
 my $response = $member->dnssec_ksk_algorithms([$algorithm]);

Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms( )

Use this function to specify a DNSSEC zone signing key at the member level on the Infoblox appliance. See Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms() for parameters and return values.

 #Create a DNSSEC key algorithm object.
 my $algorithm = Infoblox::DNS::DNSSecKeyAlgorithm->new(
     algorithm => 'RSASHA512',
     size      => 1024,
 #Configure DNSSEC zone signing key algorithms on the Infoblox member object
 my $response = $member->dnssec_zsk_algorithms([$algorithm]);


The object does not support any session methods.


this section describes all the methods that you can use to set or retrieve the attribute values of the object.

algorithm( )

Use this method to set or retrieve signing key algorithm.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


Valid value is 'RSAMD5', 'DSA', 'RSASHA1', 'RSASHA256' or 'RSASHA512'.


If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get algorithm value
 my $algorithm = $dnssec_key_algorithm->algorithm();
 #Modify algorithm value

size( )

Use this method to set or retrieve signing key size, in bits.

Include the specified parameter to set the attribute value. Omit the parameter to retrieve the attribute value.


The DNSSEC key-signing key possible size depends on the algorithm. Use the following table to determine the possible values for key sizes:

    Algorithm    Key size     Additional restrictions
    RSA/MD5      512-4096
    DSA/SHA1     512-1024     Key size must be divisible by 64
    RSA/SHA1     512-4096
    RSA256/SHA2  512-4096
    RSA512/SHA2  1024-4096
    DSA/SHA1     512-1024     Key size must be divisible by 64
    RSA/SHA1     512-4096
    RSA256/SHA2  512-4096
    RSA512/SHA2  1024-4096

If you specified a parameter, the method returns true when the modification succeeds, and returns false when the operation fails.

If you did not specify a parameter, the method returns the attribute value.

 #Get size value
 my $size = $dnssec_key_algorithm->size();
 #Modify size value


Infoblox Inc.


Infoblox::Grid::DNS, Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS, Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms(), Infoblox::Grid::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms(), Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_ksk_algorithms(), Infoblox::Grid::Member::DNS->dnssec_zsk_algorithms()


Copyright (c) 2017 Infoblox Inc.